Monday, September 12, 2011

Hamilton Web Design Website Essentials Series Part #5

By Hamilton Web Design firm,

Content Plan Part 3 by Hamilton Web Design firm - Website

Welcome to part 3 in this 3-part series on how to create a Content plan that will excite your Website visitors and simplify the process of creating great content.

In part 3 we are going to discuss what your content plan should include.

What should my content include?

There are limitless possiblilities for what your content plan should include. In this article though, we are going to focus on what I think are the 3 most important categories of information to have on your Website:

1. Product focused information
2. Customer problem focused information
3. Customer personal needs focused information

1. Product/service focused information

Talking about your products or services on your website is important. Afterall, that's what your customers get when they pay you. But focusing solely on the technical aspects of your products is like having a conversation with someone where they are listening to you talk about yourself.

In my opinion, the best product or service information is still focused on the customer. For example, you could create a demonstration video of someone using your video that enables them to visualize themselves using your product.

Further, you could reassure propects thare are getting a great product by posting testimonials of other people talking about your product. You could also provide advice on choosing the right product for their needs. You could provide product facts, options, guidance and instructions on how to use your product.

2. Customer problem focused information

One of the most effective forms of Website content is to discuss customer problems and how you have solved them. You can do this by relating Case Studies.

To create a case study, make a list of the main problem the customer wanted to solve and the solution your product or service provided.

Similar to a testimonial, another way of discussing customer problems is to revisit the customer after they have received the benefit of using your product or service and if successful, classifying them as a customer success story.

If your customer is thrilled with the results, they will likely be more than happy to tell how great your product worked for them and how they benefited.

3. Personal needs focused information

Satisfaction for their universal human needs are what your customers “ultimately” want. Put another way, what’s the point of it all? Or, what's the benefit of the benefits. Every product or service typically provides a functional benefit, but what people really want is the emotional payoff of using your product or service.

A good place to turn for uncovering the emotional needs of your customers, is what Psychologist Abraham Maslow called the hierarchy of needs. These can be classified into two groups.

1. Lower needs
2. Higher needs

Your customers lower needs can also be called their Physiological needs. These are the physicual needs everyone has. They include feeling safe; family and feeling loved, belonging to a groups; and self-esteem or self worth.

Usually only after they have they lower needs handled, people move on to their higher needs. These include self-actualization or doing something greater than themselves. Beyond this is self-transcendence, or achieving spiritual goals.

By creating a content plan in advance, you will have a guide you can follow to create the content. Having a structure like this in place will enable you to be more creative too.

Don’t let a lack of content prvent your Website from helping you achieve your goals. Get started creating your own content plan to save yourself time and money while getting the results you want. Then you'll be in a better position to help your customers get what they ultimately want.

Coming up in Part 6 from Hamilton Web Design firm
: 3 Steps To Creating An Unlimited supply of Leads for Your Business
In part 6 you will learn how to bring together all the essential Website elements you have learned about in this series.